Our realizations

Reconstruction of Księcia Witolda Street with the necessary technical infrastructure

Reconstruction of the road lane of Księcia Witolda Street with the necessary technical infrastructure on the section from Pomorska Street to Zyndrama Street in Maszkowice in Wrocław

BPI Wrocław sp. Z o.o.
based in Warsaw,
ul. Of the Workers' Defense Committee 48,
02-146 Warsaw

Completion date: from 12/03/2019 to 10/06/2020.

The investment was aimed at improving the surface and separating a walking route for pedestrians in ul. Prince Witold in Wrocław. The length of the renovated section was 206.09 m.

The investment included:

- Pavement made of 18/20 old-use stone cubes, stone slabs 60x40x8 and 40x40x8 of light gray granite, and also of stone cubes 9/11 of light gray granite
- Construction of a new road structure
- Construction of a retaining wall with a balustrade
- Implementation of new lighting for the pedestrian cycle route running parallel to the renovated road section
    * which included: replacement of the cable line with a total length of 203m, setting up 4 new lanterns with LED light,
- Replacement of underground utilities infrastructure: sanitary sewage network, heating network, rainwater sewage system, water supply network, ORANGE telecommunication networks and MKT networks
- Implementation of greenery development along with the implementation of the GCL aeration and irrigation system for newly planted trees
- Implementation of small architecture elements: benches, baskets and bicycle stands
- Introduction of a new traffic organization along with the setting of the necessary signage
