Our realizations
Construction of the Western Axis in Wrocław along the national road No. 94
Construction of the Western Axis in Wrocław along the national road No. 94
Works completion date: October 2023.
The contract value is PLN 181.5 million (Commune 167 million, MPWiK 14 million, EU subsidy - nearly PLN 134 million)
The scope of work on this task:
- 4.2 km of roads (2 km of ul. Kosmonautów and 2.2 km of al. Stabłowicka),
- 5.5 km of bicycle paths,
- 6 km of pavements,
- 1 km of walking and cycling routes,
- 2 tunnels for pedestrians and cyclists,
- a viaduct along Aleja Stabłowicka over the railway line towards Legnica, 143 m long,
- 2.2 km of green tram track with new tram and bus stops,
- new underground utilities infrastructure,
- new power networks, including lighting,
- acoustic screens,
- new plantings of trees and shrubs.